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Rejoice has embarked on the LEAD Journey to plan for our future as a congregation. LEAD is an acronym that stands for Living Everyday As Disciples of Jesus Christ; our goal for this journey is to experience and learn how to do this well. The first step of the LEAD journey is grounded in listening: listening for God in the scriptures, listening for God through our congregation, and listening to God through our community.

LEAD Listens is a key phase of the journey where congregation members participated in facilitated Focus Groups. Small groups of 4-6 people gathered to discuss key topics so that each person had a voice and a chance to share their thoughts, observations, and comments. We conducted multiple groups over 90 days to reach as many participants across the Congregation as possible.

THANK You to everyone who participated in a LEAD Listens session; your input is invaluable to the LEAD process and to the future of our church. Click on the button below to review major themes from the sessions. We categorized your responses to the questions in order of popularity, meaning, the responses we heard most often are on top. Again, thank you for your help on this important step in our journey. Please pray for your LEAD Team and stay tuned for more information as we begin Listening to the Neighborhood!

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