During his life on earth, Jesus showed us a rhythm of life lived in three dimensions. Jesus lived ‘Up’ in praise and worship to God the Father, as he preached in the synagogues and withdrew from his friends to be alone and pray to God (Luke 5:16). Jesus lived ‘In’ through the care and keeping of his closest friends and family, the disciples (Mark 1:29-31). And Jesus lived ‘Out’, reaching out to a hurting world in the healing and feeding of strangers (Matthew 8:2-3; 14:16-21).
At Rejoice Lutheran Church we strive to do the same: live life in three dimensions as disciples of Jesus Christ; and your leadership team is committed to providing opportunities to live up in and out as a community of believers.
As we live Up, In and Out, along our discipleship journey, God meets us right where we are. At Rejoice Lutheran Church we invite folks in to a process to live into the rhythms Jesus showed us and grow in their faith along the way. We meet you as you identify yourself in an on-line worship service or walk through the front doors; we invite you to connect through small groups, life groups, service projects and get togethers either on-line or in person, locally or right where you live; we encourage you to grow in faith as we do life together in three dimensions: up, in and out; and as the Holy Spirit stirs in you, we strive to provide leadership opportunities where you can lead others along this same journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
![Discipleship 4 [Autosaved]_edited.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7092c0_95f93ebf55d3436796f5ff7d0c712f4a~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_51,y_0,w_1881,h_1452/fill/w_672,h_519,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Discipleship%204%20%5BAutosaved%5D_edited.jpg)

Understanding your Spiritual Gifts is a great way to begin your discipleship journey at Rejoice Lutheran Church. God has gifted the people at Rejoice with the exact gifts and skills necessary to fulfill God’s mission for our church. Would you like to know your part? Take this quick survey and contact our staff to discuss your critical part in Rejoice’s mission to further God’s kingdom.